Friday, April 9, 2010

71. Write a letter to myself on Day One to read on Day 1001

First task bites the dusk! I definitely thought this one would be super easy but I actually struggled a touch with it. It's like what do you tell the "future you" about what's going on when they already know. I know, I know.. so deep!

Instead, I gave myself the opportunity to show "future me" how far I've come throughout this whole challenge. I wrote down all my stats of what was going on with my life - how old I am, where I'm living, etc. - maybe there will be some big differences between life at day 1 and day 1001.

And of course, I included a little horn tooting and congratulations to myself for finishing the process. That's right, I'm confident that I will finish every task on my list.

Let the journey begin!