To be honest, I started this post nearly a month ago. I was in a great place - the sun was starting to shine again and the clocks moved ahead making even my longer days feel more productive. And then, it happened. I drifted back into the negative realm caused by this harsh, disgusting winter.
In case you're reading and do not live in Massachusetts, we had one of the worst weather-related winters that I can remember. It didn't just snow often.. it pounded us nearly every day. I commute between 60-70 minutes each way to work every day. I am unable to work from home and my organization never shuts down due to weather (or anything) so I fight Mother Nature on the daily.
I decided to stop being a Negative Nelly and take on this task head-on so I declared to S and all those who would listen that I would not complain about the weather for 31 straight days. And then on day two, this happened...
In case you're reading and do not live in Massachusetts, we had one of the worst weather-related winters that I can remember. It didn't just snow often.. it pounded us nearly every day. I commute between 60-70 minutes each way to work every day. I am unable to work from home and my organization never shuts down due to weather (or anything) so I fight Mother Nature on the daily.
I decided to stop being a Negative Nelly and take on this task head-on so I declared to S and all those who would listen that I would not complain about the weather for 31 straight days. And then on day two, this happened...

That may be a slight exaggeration but I swear Mother Nature taunted me and dropped over a casual foot mid-work week on us. And it happened, I just laughed. I realized there are some things that are in my control and others that simply are not. I need to worry about the things that I can control and just exhale about those other situations.
Yes, I made it the entire thirty-one plus days.. maybe I should start doing this whole "only worrying about things you can control" thing more often. And yes, the sun is shining today and there's no snow in the five day forecast.. life is good :)
Yes, I made it the entire thirty-one plus days.. maybe I should start doing this whole "only worrying about things you can control" thing more often. And yes, the sun is shining today and there's no snow in the five day forecast.. life is good :)