Wednesday, January 12, 2011

43. Hug 15 people in one day (15/15)

It's well-documented that I'm not a hugger.. like whatsoever.. or at all. It's never personal to those who want to hug me - I just feel hugs should be reserved for special occassions, not "oh my god, you just got back from the bathroom - hugsies!".

Fresh off my eight days, post engagement trip in Jamaica, it was time to head to my alma mater for the annual Homecoming Alumni weekend. It's a great opportunity to see those fellow alums that I haven't seen in forrr-eee-verrrr (emphasis for those reading my blog out loud) and chat up with those I see on the regular. I decided that it was the perfect day to show off my new bling to my pals AND cross off another number off the 101 list. I knew it would be a challenge but I was ready to do it (maybe it was the diamond high but it was positive anyway).

All my friends were on board as soon as word got around that I wanted to hug 15 people in one day.. and some were a little too anxious to help...

I think my hair (and resistance) is proof that Erin got a wee too excited to hug me. She's a self-aware creeper so this was right up her alley. Big thanks to Amy for documenting for me.

The numbers were adding up quickly so I had to plan my number 15. It only seemed appropriate to hug someone who hated to be hug as much as me. Enter my darling pal, Jill, who loathes hugging and touching in general. And go figure, she was completely honored to be my number 15.

Here we go...

Done and done! Thanks to all who were part of my 15 - I appreciate it!


  1. I looooove it! I think I was number 10 or so, I wanted a nice even number. Good job E1, think you can keep it up?!

  2. Love this idea. I'm not a big hugger either, but I love when I see people giving out free hugs!

  3. LOVED being apart of this! I think I jumped in towards the end too!
