I'm a meat and potatoes kind of gal. I'm also super frugal.. I totally check out circulars (do they still call them that? I swear I'm incapable of keeping up with current lingo) before I go grocery shopping so when I saw an ad at my local supermarket for super cheap pork ribs.. I jumped on that bandwagon.
You'll notice quickly that I had absolutely no idea how much to buy or what kind of ingredients I would need to complete this meal.
You'll notice quickly that I had absolutely no idea how much to buy or what kind of ingredients I would need to complete this meal.

Seriously, I just started pulling stuff that I already had from my fridge and pantry. Let's see there's minced garlic, honey bbq sauce, worcestershire sauce, regular bbq sauce, TJ's sweet chile sauce (seriously, amazing - get some now), garlic salt and ketchup.

After looking at various recipes online, I just started mixing stuff together and tasting it until I wanted to consume it by the spoonful. Yes, that's my "seasoning" method.

With just salt and pepper, I put these bad boys in the oven - See! I told you! Massive pork ribs. I mean, there are ONLY two of us (Murphy does not count when people food is involved) and look how much I bought! Whoops!

I can't even explain how much balance it took for me to take a picture WHILE flipping the meat. I'm just thrilled I didn't knock the entire pan over. Back in the oven they go!

They were fall-off-the-meat tender when all was said and done. And my house, the smell was insane. I tore off a piece and slathered my mix all over them. Yes, the picture is fuzzy because they were pipping hot!

I let them cool down a touch before taking another picture. Yes, I still use paper plates.. don't all the great cooks do that? I'm not sure if I've ever had pork ribs before but I would love to make these again. NOM!
nom nom!