Tuesday, April 20, 2010

56. Hit a bucket of balls at a driving range

While in Saratoga this past weekend, S and I decided it would be a great time to hit up the driving range. We headed to nearby Clifton Park which boasts the only area’s outdoor double deck driving range. The driving range stretches a total of 350 yards, with multiple target greens. I know, way too fancy for someone like me but hey, I’m totally worth it. Ha!

Ooooh, a jumbo bucket of balls.

A touch of background. S is a golfer and even has a golf membership at a country club near our house. (I know.. fancy pants) He was extremely patient when I asked a million questions about form, purpose of each club, stance, distance, et al. So, thank you S (even though you don't "follow" me yet - you slacker!)

Now, apparently, there is an unspoken code about the driving range. There shouldn't be a ton of yapping and, like a bathroom stall, you shouldn't go in the area directly next to where someone is already driving. Initially, it was great. We had a ton of room so we could chat about form and just take our time. Then, an older man came when we were about halfway through our bucket and plopped his stuff down right next to us. Before I knew it, he was huffing and glaring over at us for talking about the different irons. I mean, there are only 60 driving areas at the site and only three others were being used. And, we were there first so really it was his problem that he picked that spot but I digress.

To quote the great Stephanie Tanner.. "how rude!"

We decided to pack up our stuff and head to the top deck where we could be as loud as we wanted without feeling glared at. And obviously, it was the perfect opportunity for a little photoshoot for the blog :)

Look at that form! Although it was a bit (ok extremely) chilly (like forties) with winds that would rival gusts from the film “Twister”, we had a great time. I'll be definitely be going again soon.. after all, I need a ton of practice before I attempt #48.

60. Gain 15 followers (15+/15)

I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for taking an interest in my journey. I cannot believe that I reached 15+ followers so quickly. I really thought it would be like day 1000 and I would be begging people to follow me. So a quick thank you to all who are following and those who are yet to follow! You’re helping by holding me accountable for this list and for that, I’m thankful :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1. Print 101 in 1001 list and keep a copy at home and work

I know, I know… you're probably thinking...

"Well, it's about time that you completed that easiest task on the list!"

"What were you, too busy to print out a list?!"

"How hard is it to print out two copies of the list?!"

Simmer down, little cherubs. There is a method to my madness. I do not have a printer at the house so I have to print out the documents at work, which as you assume, is very easy. However, like any twenty something, once the time comes for me to leave work – I jet out of here and in turn, leave said list on my office desk every day. So yesterday (after a flood of emails being like wtf haven’t you completed item #1), I printed and put the list in my purse and actually remembered when I got home to take it out and post it somewhere that I could see it daily.

Sometimes I just need a little reminder. Thanks to all who emailed/called/texted me about it; I’m glad I’m sharing this experience with someone other than myself. With that being written, sign up to formally “follow” if you haven’t already and let me know if you want to get involved in my challenge.

Friday, April 9, 2010

71. Write a letter to myself on Day One to read on Day 1001

First task bites the dusk! I definitely thought this one would be super easy but I actually struggled a touch with it. It's like what do you tell the "future you" about what's going on when they already know. I know, I know.. so deep!

Instead, I gave myself the opportunity to show "future me" how far I've come throughout this whole challenge. I wrote down all my stats of what was going on with my life - how old I am, where I'm living, etc. - maybe there will be some big differences between life at day 1 and day 1001.

And of course, I included a little horn tooting and congratulations to myself for finishing the process. That's right, I'm confident that I will finish every task on my list.

Let the journey begin!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Challenge!

The challenge is to make a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days. It's similar to a New Year's resolution or a Bucket List but it allows you to create specific goals that can be obtained in a more reasonable timeline. Read more about the challenge at http://www.dayzeroproject.com/

As you're all aware, I'm a pretty big list person so this is totally up my alley! I will be creating a blog entry for each task completed and keep you all up-to-date on all the challenges. As you may have noticed, some tasks are easy peasy while others are more time-consuming. Day One will start on April 9, 2010 and the project will end on January 4, 2012. Ultimately, I'm seeking to inspire myself to do things outside the box and have a great time throughout the project.

So without further adieu, here we go!